How joining King Alfred's has been life changing for Highbridge residents Neil and Lynette Bloy

Neil and Lynette recently moved to the UK from Australia and joined King Alfred Sports Centre. Neil suffers from Bursitis in his shoulder, causing inflammation and discomfort as well as limiting his range of movement in his upper body. He started off barely being able to lift his arm above his head, and couldn’t use his injured arm to hold his own body weight.
He began by attending PRAMA Move classes – a class for our Wellness Works members to help rehabilitate injuries and exercise effectively under supervision. Since then he’s come leaps and bounds in his strength, and can now crawl and move functionally with his suffering shoulder, which continues to gain strength! Neil and his wife Lynette have since begun to take part in higher intensity classes such as Prama, and are making good use and progress in the gym.
Neil’s introduction to exercise has helped him lose 7kg since joining. Both he and his wife have improved their overall lifestyle and health along with Lynette trying all sorts of new exercises and cross training to help her walking . Not to mention his social life, the social aspect at King Alfred’s has really helped them settle in to their new home and they’re now regular faces here at King Alfred’s, particularly when there’s coffee and cake!”
Well done Neil and Lynette!