Face coverings in leisure centres

Following extended guidance from the government, face coverings must now been worn in our leisure centres when spectating an activity (e.g. your child's swim lesson) or partaking in sedentary activities (e.g. sports massage or beauty therapy).
From 8th August in England, the government stated that you must wear a face covering by law in various settings which are enclosed public spaces where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
Do I need to wear a mask in the gym or at my class?
No. The regulations state certain indoor places are exempt and face coverings do not need to be worn in “indoor fitness studios, gyms, dance studios, leisure centres, indoor swimming pools, water parks, funfairs, theme parks or other premises for indoor sports, leisure, or adventure activities”.
The guidance also states you do not need to wear a face covering “…if it would negatively impact on your ability to exercise or participate in a strenuous activity”.
You also do NOT need to wear a face mask when travelling through areas of the centre to take part in a booked session e.g. gym, class or swim.
Do I need to wear a face covering when watching my child at their swimming lesson?
Yes. The government advise that not everyone attending a leisure facility will be exercising, for example spectators, visitors and individuals partaking in sedentary activities, and therefore should wear a face covering.
Examples of when to wear a face covering at 1610
- If I am a gym user attending my pre booked gym session, I do not need to wear a face covering from entering the building through to starting my session in the gym.
- If I am a parent taking my child to his / her swimming lesson and then plan to watch his / her lesson, I do need to wear a face covering.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at info@1610.org.uk.