1610 to reopen majority of centres on 2 December 2020

Following the latest Government announcement, we are delighted to advise that the majority of our centres will reopen from Wednesday 2nd December as follows:
1610 Chard
- Gym and classes open on 2 December 2020
King Alfred Sports Centre
- Gym and squash/badminton bookings open on 2 December 2020
- Classes start on 7 December 2020
Dorchester Sports Centre
- Gym and classes open on 2 December 2020
- AGP & block bookings open on 2 December 2020
- Swimming pool and swimming lessons open on 3 December 2020
Robert Blake & Elmwood Leisure
- Gym open on 2 December 2020
Torridge Pool
- Gym and classes open on 2 December 2020
- Swimming pool and swimming lessons open on 7 December 2020
Trinity Sports & Leisure
- Gym and classes open on 2 December 2020
- Sports Hall, 3G, MUGA, ATP bookings open on 2 December
- Swimming pool and swimming lessons open on 3 December 2020
We are unfreezing your membership
If you pay by Direct Debit your membership payments will automatically restart – this will take place on 8 December 2020.
If you have an annual membership, this will be extended to ensure that you receive your full 12 month membership.
If you sent in a cancellation request while we were closed and have not received a response, please bear with us as we are still working through these and will be in touch as soon as possible. If you have changed your mind, we would love to welcome you back. Please email us at trinity@1610.org.uk to notify us of your wish to rejoin. Please note a small fee of £10 will apply for anyone re-joining within 12 months.
Safety measures – lets work together to keep our centre safe
As before, all sessions, including gym, classes and swimming, must be pre-booked and paid for before you arrive at the centre. Bookings can be made online or via the 1610 Active2 app or by calling our team. No bookings or payments can be taken at the centre.
We are confident in our ability to minimise the risk of infection to keep you and our staff safe. We have implemented enhanced cleaning procedures and social distancing measures in all areas of our centres to create a safe environment for you to visit. These include:
- Sanitising stations installed at key locations around the centre
- Implementation of customer travel and queue management systems to aid safe social distancing
- Signage displayed throughout the centre to assist and direct you safely
- Enhanced cleaning procedures throughout the centre in line with UK Active and Public Health England guidance
- Comprehensive training for staff on new operating procedures ensuring member and staff safety is always a priority
- Amended gym and pool capacities and class timetables to enable safe social distancing
- Access to the gym will be provided in 45 miniute slots initially to maintain safe capacities
- Plastic shield installation within our gyms to enable safe social distancing
We all have a role to play in keeping safe. Please support us by kindly following these simple rules:
- Do not attend if you feel unwell or are showing COVID-19 symptoms.
- All activities must be pre-booked in advance via the 1610 app or website to minimise face to face interaction – this includes the gym and pool. To maintain safe capacities walk-ins will not be allowed.
- Check your contact details are up to date on our system, to enable track and trace.
- Bring your own drink and yoga mat (our fountains and mats will be out of use).
- Leave your gym towel at home and use paper towels provided to minimise spread of possible infection.
- Travel light and turn up ready to work-out in your gym kit to avoid use of lockers.
- Use the Sanitising Stations to clean your hands and kit before and after use.
- Follow the social distance signs.
If you have any questions, please visit our Reopening Page. We want to make your return to use as easy as possible – this page outlines our reopening plans and a list of FAQ’s.
Thank you for your patience and support. We cant wait to see you!